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Deadline: Midnight 12/31
$100,000 Saved & Restored Matching Challenge

Before this year comes to an end, your contribution will be multiplied in impact, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000, through our Saved & Restored Matching Challenge, powering our proven-effective, addiction-ending ministry into the New Year ahead! 

  • With the support of friends like you, we have continued growing and expanding to meet the epidemic of addiction in our neighborhoods and communities.  
  • We’re serving a very large number of hurting individuals through your faithfulness and generosity at 11 centers across New England and New Jersey.  
  • By God’s grace, and with your awesome support, we’ll continue speaking hope and healing by the power of Jesus Christ into their lives. 

But time is running out. Please stand with us today — See your impact multiplied and more lives saved and restored by the power of Jesus Christ!