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Northern New England
Women’s Home

130 Highland Avenue • Hardwick, VT • 802-472-7107

The ribbon was cut to signify new beginnings.  At the Adult & Teen Challenge Northern New England Women’s Home, a new home inaugurated the beginning of a new life: a life encountered by God’s love, grace, and transformation, so that future generations can know the true meaning of liberation!

Careful, meticulous detail has gone into the renovations of this 1800’s era bed and breakfast. New walls, floors, electric, plumbing, all new appliances and fixtures, brand-new bedroom sets, kitchen, and academic hall have made this home the finest in all of Hardwick and beyond.  All work on the home was done by the Adult & Teen Challenge Vermont men within the maintenance / vocational department.

Our greatest desire is for this sanctuary to become the cloak of Christ for struggling ladies, and a wellspring of hope, healing, and recovery for Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire!

Considering the times, they are perilous. Considering the odds, they are against us. Considering the tasks, they are daunting. Considering our God and His army: We are able!