Massachusetts Men’s:
Brockton Center
20 Clifton Ave • Brockton, MA • 508-586-1494
Located at 20 Clifton Avenue in Brockton, Massachusetts, Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts serves as a refuge from the devastation of a life run by addiction. A leader in long-term recovery success, Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts utilizes a unique combination of vocational training coupled with Biblical life studies to replace the identity of an addict with that of an identity in Christ Jesus.
Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts challenges individuals to dig deep and seek the true purpose and focus of their lives. During their program, residents learn to rely on Jesus as well as trust in the process of learning discipline, obedience, and surrender. This is not possible without the structure and discipline of a program which cultivates a new and changed life in anyone who truly seeks the irreplaceable redemption and grace of Jesus Christ. This type of transformation does not occur rapidly.
A long term (10–12 month) residential facility, Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts has the capacity and ability to save 108 men at any given time from the lives of addiction they choose to leave behind. Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts has not denied anyone entrance into the program regardless of financial means for the entirety of its existence. Anyone and everyone who truly seeks recovery is given an opportunity to change their lives and begin to serve their families, friends, and communities as responsible, spiritually mature, and dedicated members of society.
If you or anyone you know is looking for a way to end addiction in their lives, please contact us.
Peter Fabiano
Director, Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts – Brockton

After living a life of sin for 32 years the good Lord found Peter and saved him. While growing up in a large family north of Boston, to Peter, Jesus was the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. While bound by addiction for over twenty-two year, he was clueless about what Jesus had done for him on the cross, the power of His blood, and the supremacy of His word.
The head cook at a deli and bakery he once owned introduced Peter to the Gospel message. On December 26, 2000, after a Christmas Eve suicide attempt, Peter arrived at the program. Once inside the doors he says he felt safe for the first time in his life. When confronted with which life he would choose, he realized that through Christ he could hit the reset button and every sin he’d ever done would be forgiven and washed clean. He said, “Sign me up! Where has this good news been?”
Peter graduated the program in September 2002 and embraced the call of God on his life. He married his beautiful wife Shondi, also is a graduate of ATC, and they now celebrate 20 years of marriage and the blessing of two beautiful children, Madison, 17 and Lucas, 16. In 2007, Peter and Shondi pioneered our men’s center in Winthrop, Maine.
Today, Peter is Director of our Massachusetts – Brockton Men’s center while Shondi serves as Director of our Southern New England Women’s home. Peter considers it a privilege and honor to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and he is excited – for the best is yet to come!
“Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God had called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3: 13 -14
Contact via email: pfabiano@tcmabrockton.org