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Massachusetts Men’s:
Worcester Center

81 Chatham St • Worcester, MA, 01609 • 617-318-1380

Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts Worcester Center is a reprieve from standard treatment options in the midst of the drug epidemic. Located in Worcester, Massachusetts, the center has 38,000 square feet of living space and is on the front lines in combating addiction.

Established in 1964, Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts Worcester Center was the fourth Adult & Teen Challenge program to open its doors. Since the center opened, thousands of men have come through the doors to find a changed life.

Our belief is that drug addiction is merely a symptom of underlying issues. Over the course of our 10–12 month program, residents face the deep rooted issues that ultimately led to their addiction. The transformation our residents experience here is rooted in encountering the life changing love of Christ. We simply offer the environment where broken men can come to have the space to find spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness.

We believe that addiction does not have to prevent someone from going on to live a passionate, purpose filled life. Regardless of how many promises to yourself and your loved ones you have broken, regardless of how many times you have tried and failed, there is hope. You can change.

Anthony Pierre-Louis

Director, Adult and Teen Challenge Massachusetts Worcester Center

Anthony is originally from New York City where he was introduced to the “fast life” at an early age. In 1987, at the age of 16, Anthony started to drink and use drugs. The cycle of alcohol and drug abuse continued through high school, college, and beyond. After spending 13 years in this lifestyle, Anthony was introduced to Jesus Christ. He accepted Him as his Lord and Savior and his life was transformed. Shortly after that Anthony enrolled in Zion Bible College and began a life of ministry. Anthony and his wife Tenisha have been connected to Adult & Teen Challenge for over 16 years. He is extremely blessed to be working on the front lines witnessing God transform the lives of the men in the program. He serves as the Associate Director of Adult & Teen Challenge Massachusetts Worcester Center. He loves being able to offer people the same Hope he was given. Anthony lives in Rhode Island with his wife Tenisha, their son, Isiaha, and their girls, Soraya, Nevaeh and Savana, and their dog, Blessing.

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Steven Santos

Associate Director, Adult and Teen Challenge Massachusetts Worcester Center

After years of drug abuse, Steven had found himself in prison. He met someone who introduced him to Jesus Christ and he never looked back. Upon release from Plymouth House of Corrections in May of 2017 he entered the doors of Adult & Teen Challenge Greater Boston.

Steven remained after his graduation to become a staff member at the very program that saved his life. As the Program Development Supervisor at Adult & Teen Challenge Greater Boston, he gets to help build the ministry that gave him purpose. His Goal is to be able to help those people that are in the situation he was in find freedom in Jesus Christ. He works to increase his knowledge of God and help provide a environment for change.

Steven’s life is now is one of service. He desires to be a part of Adult & Teen Challenge for many years to come. He has 6 children and now lives to give them a better life led by Christ.

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