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Jesus Make the Difference —
Save More Lives with Him in 2024!

Addictions broken. Relationships restored. Lives transformed. 

We see it happen every single day in our 11 centers across New England and New Jersey. How? 

Jesus does it. Jesus always does it. 

And He does it through the prayers and generosity of people like you, who compassionately introduce youth and adults in desperate need to Him … and let Him do His beautiful, supernatural work in their lives!

Please give generously today to launch the 2024 year of ministry and take part in the life-changing, life-saving work of seeing men and women set free from the shackles of the enemy, their lives restored — all by the power of Jesus’ love. 

Every $84.25 given today will provide total ministry to one more resident for an entire month. How generous can you be?

Please pray and give as God leads now!